Archive For February, 2014

4 articles

Saturday SlideShare Share (2/15/14) - The Age of Context

As a business resource, Slideshare is a place where you can learn from some the smartest minds from all verticals. Content range from standard presentations, to videos, to multimedia. Every week, I’ll be sharing a presentation that catches my eye and where I feel you might be interested in the information inside. I'll share a range of topics interesting to…

Saturday SlideShare Share (2/8/14) - The Search for Meaning in B2B Marketing

As a business resource, Slideshare stands pretty much head and shoulders above most other content platforms. From presentations to educational content and more, you can find information and curated media on pretty much any topic you have an interest in. As a research solution, Slideshare offers analysis from some of the smartest minds on the web across all verticals. These…

Links Worthy of Attention - 2.7.14 Edition

JC, Marketing Manager It was just Dumb Luck, Facebook’s Early Employees Look Back Fascinating stories about Facebook’s first employees. If you want to learn more about these folks, I recommend reading “The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook: A Tale of Sex, Money, Genius and Betrayal” by Ben Mizrich. The movie Social Network was based on this book. Microsoft Injects…

Saturday SlideShare Share: Can We Design an Organization for Beauty?

As a business resource, Slideshare is a place where you can learn from some the smartest minds from all verticals. Content range from standard presentations, to videos, to multimedia. Every week, I’ll be sharing a presentation that catches my eye and where I feel you might be interested in the information inside. I'll share a range of topics interesting to…